Power Tools has an affiliate program you can sign up to here:
Alternatively, you can find the 'Become an Affiliate' link at the very bottom of your Power Tools admin
How does it work?
For each affiliated store that signs up through your link, you will earn 100% of the first month's payment for any installs. This is paid-out once the store makes its first payment to Power Tools.
What should a client do to download the app into their Shopify using my affiliate link?
Once logged in to their Shopify store, a client can click on the referral link provided by you to install the app.
How do I know that a store will be my referral once they start paying?
The store should show up in your Refersion account dashboard, for more information on how to use Refersion, you can check out their help pages here: https://support.refersion.com/
Can Power Tools manually add the store to my Refersion account dashboard?
Our engineering team will definitely help! Please note: a store can't be on the free affiliate plan. We cannot track a store that is not yet a paying store as we need the billing amount/plan to determine the affiliate bounty.
In case there are any stores missing from your Refersion account dashboard, feel free to contact us via live chat or support@powertoolsapp.com, we'll be happy to take a closer look!